17 dezembro 2015

Choose always what makes your heart beat happy

What's the limit of love?

How describe the sensation to change your own life, to be commitment with yourself and focused on conquer your goals?! I have no doubt that everything we want, we can get.

Every day I see people eyes telling me so many thoughts and emotions!
Every day I see how they want, they need. How they are trying for so long.. or how their heart beat strong when they suddenly decide for change.

I also see people failing.. People getting distracted and making mistakes that inhibit the achievement of their results and results is all about "numbers", the number of hours you sleep, how much you eat, you drink, how many hours you go out and relax versus how many hours you are stressed. Seams to be simple and It's. The problem is only to recognize the right moment of your life you are really ready to change your habits and start. It can happen when you're young, adult or old. Wherever be your time, just try. You can try once, twice, every time you wish! You're gonna be the most benefited for that. 

To be efficient yes, we need some help. 
Every start needs instruction in order to get a great foundation. After that? You're free!
For me, as a researcher, I love to have human material body to practice my knowledge. Honestly I cannot describe how much I love my carrier.. It's not only about to help, It's about to keep in movement. To give directions. That's it! 

Throughout this year I had the pleasure of attending incredible results from my clients, especially for those who sought me not only to achieve the ideal body weight, but especially those who no longer could support their chronic pain and no efficient physiotherapy sessions. Nowadays, with so many academic information, we know that Exercise is one of the best way to have a health life. Nutrition, Social life and Mental stimulus too, but exercise makes we use all of our potential to keep balanced. Inside to outside. 

To teach somebody how to move is to offer the possibility to use their own ability and capacity in order to get a health body. Be Teacher is more then be Trainer.

I've being studding and working in this carrier since 2000 and I'm so glad to had choose full degree in Physical Education as my University. It gave me the direction I needed to continue learning about human body . After that, all of my expertise came from Post Graduation Curses, in Biomechanic of Exercise, Biochemistry, Physiology of Exercise, Pilates, Acupuncture, Massage, Myofascial and Trigger Point Therapy. 

This post goes specially for two of my clients: Teresa, 64 years old, who starts with me walking by cane and today is walking free with no pain and Matthew, my youngest client 18 years old, who starts with a big scoliosis and contrary methods that did not work with him, we found a efficient way to align his body through resistance training, Pilates and trigger points.

Still about the limit of love, there is no better feeling then to see they loving themselves more and more!

I wish all the best for all of my clients who every day rely on my Technics and has being sharing good times with me.

All the best in 2016 for you guys!!

My prize Results 2015
Trainers - Christmas Celebration Party 2015

Exercitar o corpo demanda muito mais do que movimento, hidratação e avaliação física. Pense comigo, estimular suas Capacidades Físicas, seja ela Força, Resistência Aeróbica, Flexibilidade ou algo mais proprioceptivo como Agilidade, Explosão, Ritmo, Equilíbrio, enfim, habilidades geradas pela combinação de 2 ou mais capacidades, se difunde no corpo humano somente quando há uma boa "fundação" formando a base necessária pra seguir adiante.

Entregar-se além do corpo também vale. Envolva-se com sua saúde e descubra o universo de infititas possibilidades deste corpo incrível que possuímos. Seja você como for, com suas limitações ou não, todos somos capazes de explorar e evoluir. Exercite-se!

Que tal começar pela Conscientização de sí proprio?

Meu objetivo com este blog é discutir a relação íntima entre corpo, mente e espírito. Através de relatos pessoais e pesquisas atuais, discutir os comportamentos e a realidade que envolve a Conscientização Corporal em prol da saúde.

Seja benvindo!


Consciência Corporal, Flexibilidade

Montain Bike

Montain Bike
Trilhas, Serra do Japi

Acqua Ride

Acqua Ride
Bote Individual, Corredeiras Águas Brancas


Remo, Descidas em Corredeiras

Caminhada Ecológica

Caminhada Ecológica
Projeto Esporte e Lazer na Cidade

Visualizações de páginas da semana passada
